Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ck oad week 3 blog

The technology that was learned in class today was podcasting. We actually got to see the device that we record on and how it works. It looked somewhat simple to use so I hope I can get the hang of it quickly! I also learned about OneNote today, which I found to be a very interesting program.

The podcasting can be used in my life in regards to a position. If you post them out on the Internet, they may be spotted by potential employers. It is a great way to get yourself out there and speak about your skills and goals. OneNote can be used in both personal and academic life. It is a great organizer. It was a bit hard to grasp at first but I think I am getting the hang of it. I like the way it can organizer any type of event or even just your daily duties.

OneNote can be used in my intended career because everyone in an office needs to be organized! It has calendars that you can write events on, you can write to do lists, and schedule meetings and events. It is important to know what is going on in an office and this program is a great way to stay on top of things.

For the next time I go to class, I have to get many things done. I need to do my twitter assignment about OneNote. I also need to complete some hands-on activities in the OneNote book and kind of skim through the next chapter to be prepared for the next part. I also need to correct my written podcasts to make them longer.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

OAD Week 2 Blog

Today in class I learned about the scanner and digital camera. We also did a little bit more with social networking and I discovered Twitter. Since every digital camera is a little bit different, I had to adjust to the one used in class, which went very well. I then had to upload my picture onto all of my social networking sites. The last piece of technology was the scanner and I learned all the different ways to scan items.

The digital camera can be used mostly in my personal life. However, by uploading a professional picture on my social networking sites, it could attract an employer. The scanner will be very helpful with all my paperwork. It is very useful when you do not have an electric copy of a document and you can also edit imperfections.

Social networking will be important in my future job. Networking is a great way to get a job and it is very helpful to have a professional site to sell yourself. It is nice that I got to learn about the scanner in class because I always look forward to adding more skills to my resume. It is much easier when you know more of the technology that offices use today.

For next class, I need to tweet about social networks, podcasting, or OneNote. I chose to tweet about OneNote since I am not as familiar with it. I will also be reading in the OneNote book to understand it a little bit better before class. I also need to prepare my second podcast. The podcast will be between 3 and 5 minutes on either a vacation I took, my favorite hobby, or my favorite TV show.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

ck OAD 220 week 1 blog

In the class for week one we were introduced to all of the technology that we will be learning to use as the course progresses. There are so many different pieces of equipment we will be using and I can't wait to try it all out.

By learning the different technologies it will help me in the workplace and hopefully make my personal life easier as well. It will be useful to all of my classes in my OAD major. For my personal life it will be exciting to learn all of the photo equipment. That will especially help with creativity.

In my intended job, social networking will be extremely helpful. It is very important to network. The podcasts will hopefully be heard by an employer and then get me a position.

Before next class I need to work on all the social networking sites and get involved. I need to understand how to use the sites better. I also need to work on my podcast and file management. We will be learning so many new things so it is important to keep organized. I will also be updating my resume and cover letter so I can bring it ready to class next week.