Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ck oad week 3 blog

The technology that was learned in class today was podcasting. We actually got to see the device that we record on and how it works. It looked somewhat simple to use so I hope I can get the hang of it quickly! I also learned about OneNote today, which I found to be a very interesting program.

The podcasting can be used in my life in regards to a position. If you post them out on the Internet, they may be spotted by potential employers. It is a great way to get yourself out there and speak about your skills and goals. OneNote can be used in both personal and academic life. It is a great organizer. It was a bit hard to grasp at first but I think I am getting the hang of it. I like the way it can organizer any type of event or even just your daily duties.

OneNote can be used in my intended career because everyone in an office needs to be organized! It has calendars that you can write events on, you can write to do lists, and schedule meetings and events. It is important to know what is going on in an office and this program is a great way to stay on top of things.

For the next time I go to class, I have to get many things done. I need to do my twitter assignment about OneNote. I also need to complete some hands-on activities in the OneNote book and kind of skim through the next chapter to be prepared for the next part. I also need to correct my written podcasts to make them longer.

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