Thursday, February 18, 2010

OAD Week 6 Blog

In Wednesday's class we learned about Access. There are some students who have already had some experience with Access and others who have not. Since I am familiar with Access, I am doing an alternative assignment instead of following along in the book to learn about it.

Access can be used in both your personal life and in the workplace. It is a database that may seem complicated at first. It takes some time to get used to but people use databases in everyday life and do not even realize it, such as a cell phone. It is great for storing information and organizing data.

In your career, this would be a very helpful tool. You can use Access to create tables, reports, and charts. This would be helpful to a company to put information together. There are formulas in the program as well, so if anything needs calculated the program can do it for you. It is a time saver in many ways as well. However, it is important to back up your data occasionally because Access automatically saves your information and there is no undo button.

For next class I need to complete my blog, tweet, and research for my Access project. We will be continuing to learn about Access in next weeks class and I will continue to create my tables, reports, and queries for my alternative project.

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