Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ck OAD week 10 blog

Today in class we learned about PhotoShop. I have never used it before so it was all new information to me. We were taught all the different things that you could do with the program and it seems like it would be fun to use. However, when I started trying to use it myself it was more difficult then I thought.

PhotoShop can be used in both my personal and academic life. It would be great for editing all my personal pictures I have of family, friends, and myself. Once the pictures are edited then they can be shared so others can see. Even if it is just a simple fix like the common red eye problem.

The program can also be used in my intended career, not just my personal life. PhotoShop also allows you to create calendars and other helpful things like greeting cards. It would give your boss a chance to see your creativity, along with other coworkers.

For next class we need to complete our blog and tweet. We also need to complete a greeting card project. It will give us a chance to really put PhotoShop to use and see how much we know.

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