Thursday, March 4, 2010

ck OAD week 8 blog

In class I did not learn anything new about the technology. It was a catch up day for students to continue to work on their Access assignments.

I do not really have anything new to say about Access. I am getting better with it and playing around with it a little bit. I have finished my Access alternative assignment, which was to create a table, some queries, and a report. Everything with Access went well. The only time consuming part was gathering all the research to put into the database.

Career wise, it will be really helpful once all of the information is gathered and entered. Looking at all the data the way you want and organized a certain really way helps. I just always remember to make backups because you can not just "undo" everything when it comes to Access.

For next class, I need to have my blog and tweet done, my Access project all turned in, and have a start on our next projects. We are doing a team and individual project and need to start brainstorming some ideas.

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