Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ck OAD week 14 blog

Today in class we talked a lot about Workplace Technologies. Everyone got to put their opinions out there about the class and which equipment we liked and did not like to work with.

We brainstormed some ideas together about what projects we could do with the high school students coming to Owens next week. It is important to introduce them to equipment that they will be using in their intended career. It will be exciting to teach others what I have been taught.

Other than that, my group and I worked on our decade project. We have our pictures put together on PhotoShop but we are not all the way done with the research part of it. I started typing up all the information so that we would be organized when presentation time comes.

For next weeks class we will just have to prepare for the high school students. We need to continue to do our blogs and tweets, as well as continue moving along on the decade project.

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