Wednesday, April 21, 2010

ck OAD week 15 blog

Today in class I worked on Adobe assignments for the first hour. The rest of class I got to work with high school students from Penta on a OneNote assignment. Only one person from the class knew what OneNote was.

It was a very interesting experience working with the high school kids. I wish we would have had more time to work with them because 10 minutes was hardly enough time to say everything we wanted to say to them. All of the students caught on pretty quickly with OneNote and did not have a problem. It is nice to get experience training others because it may be something I will have to do when I get into my profession.

As far as Adobe goes, it would be very helpful in the workplace. I liked combining the documents because that was new to me. I was familiar with all the PDF things we had to do. I can also see how a digital signature would come in handy with a company. I was unaware about the comments that you could make on your documents. That would come in very handy in the workplace because your correction notes would be much neater than hand writing notes all over the paper. In this case you can correct everything on the computer nicely and then print it out and make all of the corrections.

For next class we just need to blog and tweet. We are now preparing for our decade presentation so we are starting to wrap that up as well.

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