Thursday, April 29, 2010

ck OAD week 16 blog

In class we worked on a number of things. First off, we had to get everything together with out decade project and will be presenting it on Monday. We had to record a commercial on the Web cam and do a bunch of projects through Google docs.

Google docs was not one of my favorite things to work with. I found it a bit frustrating and it kept freezing up on me. I would just rather use the original programs. However, it was fairly easy to catch onto and would be great for creating certain projects in class or other personal items. My favorite one to work with was the presentation one, which is similar to PowerPoint.

This can be used in my intended career to create many documents. It was quick to make up a flyer in that program, which was the first project the class had to do. We had to print everything through adobe though, which took extra time instead of just hitting the print button and it printing. It can be helpful to offices, however, I would just rather use the original Word, Excel, and PowerPoint programs when creating certain projects. It is great for surveys though. If you wanted to create an office survey, Google docs is fairly simple to use.

Next class is our exam, which is our decade presentation. I need to complete all the Google doc projects for next class and record two podcasts and upload them on blackboard.

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