Thursday, April 29, 2010

ck OAD week 16 blog

In class we worked on a number of things. First off, we had to get everything together with out decade project and will be presenting it on Monday. We had to record a commercial on the Web cam and do a bunch of projects through Google docs.

Google docs was not one of my favorite things to work with. I found it a bit frustrating and it kept freezing up on me. I would just rather use the original programs. However, it was fairly easy to catch onto and would be great for creating certain projects in class or other personal items. My favorite one to work with was the presentation one, which is similar to PowerPoint.

This can be used in my intended career to create many documents. It was quick to make up a flyer in that program, which was the first project the class had to do. We had to print everything through adobe though, which took extra time instead of just hitting the print button and it printing. It can be helpful to offices, however, I would just rather use the original Word, Excel, and PowerPoint programs when creating certain projects. It is great for surveys though. If you wanted to create an office survey, Google docs is fairly simple to use.

Next class is our exam, which is our decade presentation. I need to complete all the Google doc projects for next class and record two podcasts and upload them on blackboard.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

ck OAD week 15 blog

Today in class I worked on Adobe assignments for the first hour. The rest of class I got to work with high school students from Penta on a OneNote assignment. Only one person from the class knew what OneNote was.

It was a very interesting experience working with the high school kids. I wish we would have had more time to work with them because 10 minutes was hardly enough time to say everything we wanted to say to them. All of the students caught on pretty quickly with OneNote and did not have a problem. It is nice to get experience training others because it may be something I will have to do when I get into my profession.

As far as Adobe goes, it would be very helpful in the workplace. I liked combining the documents because that was new to me. I was familiar with all the PDF things we had to do. I can also see how a digital signature would come in handy with a company. I was unaware about the comments that you could make on your documents. That would come in very handy in the workplace because your correction notes would be much neater than hand writing notes all over the paper. In this case you can correct everything on the computer nicely and then print it out and make all of the corrections.

For next class we just need to blog and tweet. We are now preparing for our decade presentation so we are starting to wrap that up as well.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ck OAD week 14 blog

Today in class we talked a lot about Workplace Technologies. Everyone got to put their opinions out there about the class and which equipment we liked and did not like to work with.

We brainstormed some ideas together about what projects we could do with the high school students coming to Owens next week. It is important to introduce them to equipment that they will be using in their intended career. It will be exciting to teach others what I have been taught.

Other than that, my group and I worked on our decade project. We have our pictures put together on PhotoShop but we are not all the way done with the research part of it. I started typing up all the information so that we would be organized when presentation time comes.

For next weeks class we will just have to prepare for the high school students. We need to continue to do our blogs and tweets, as well as continue moving along on the decade project.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

High School Event Ideas

In a couple weeks, the Workplace Technologies class will be working with High School students who are interested in going into the office administration program at Owens. I think it would be a great idea to introduce them to the most important technology that we have been working with in the class. I think it would be great to show them Podcasting so they can brush up on their speaking skills and talk about themselves and their goals. I also think it is important for the students to be confident in scanning so we could also have them scan a document and save it as a PDF file. The scanner and Podcasting are the main devices that I think would be a good idea to introduce to the students and I think they would enjoy it.

ck OAD week 13 blog

In class from 11:00 to 2:00 it was Marketing Your Professional Assets Day. It was a very interesting experience. It was kind of slow and some of the students that signed up really did not know what to expect.

In the Workplace Technologies class there were two students assigned to each station. I was assigned to be a greeter. I had to check the students attending in and out and give them all the necessary materials in a folder, along with a name tag. When they were finished, I had to collect a paper from them to see what stations they completed and write down any questions that they may have.

I enjoyed being the greeter and wish that more students would have signed up so it was a little more busy. However, itt was good people experience for the career I want to go into. I made sure to smile and be friendly to every person that walked in, which is important for a front desk worker. It is also important to look professional.

For next class, I need to continue working on the decade project with my group. I need to complete two blogs and a Tweet. Soon we will be working with high school students so I need to prepare for that and think of some activities that would be good for the students to do if they want to go into the office administration program.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ck OAD week 12 blog

Today in class we did a review on LinkedIn and added a few applications to it. It was our first day of rotation and each of us got to learn about something new. My group and I learned about the Palm PC.

The Palm PC is a great organizer. It was complicated for me at first but when I started playing around with it I caught on quickly. It was my first time using one and I don't have a Blackberry, which it is very similar to. It has a lot of useful features and can be very helpful to both your personal and academic life.

It is great because the Palm PC has a scheduler and you can add events to your calendar and set an alarm for the PC to remind you of that event. It is a touch screen and has a little pen that you can use to make it easier on yourself. You can also write as if you were writing on paper if you do not want to tap, which I thought was pretty cool. You can also add tasks and notes in the Palm PC so it definitely keeps people organized!

For next class we need to blog and tweet. We also need to continue working on our decade project through PhotoShop. Next week we have to dress professionally and come prepared to teach other students about what we have learned about the technology and help them apply it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

ck oad week 11 blog

Today in class we did a review of podcasts, scanning, and LinkedIn. It was nice to refresh everything. We did some work on our decade project and researched pictures to put in our collage. We are still learning about Photoshop and the more I learn about it, the more I am starting to enjoy it.

All of this technology is great to keep learning about. Photoshop can really be useful and show your creative side. I used it to create a greeting card, which turned out really well. We are using it in class to create our collage on our teams decade.

I learned that LinkedIn is great for networking and has even helped people get jobs. You can post a podcast about yourself and tell what you have to offer an organization. It is great to get yourself out there and become involved. The scanning was just a refresher for me but I found it is really simple to get your documents or pictures onto the computer.

For next class, I need to have research completed on the decade project and have pictures to add to the collage. I am going to be typing for me team so we all are on the same page and have notes for when we present this project to the class.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ck OAD week 10 blog

Today in class we learned about PhotoShop. I have never used it before so it was all new information to me. We were taught all the different things that you could do with the program and it seems like it would be fun to use. However, when I started trying to use it myself it was more difficult then I thought.

PhotoShop can be used in both my personal and academic life. It would be great for editing all my personal pictures I have of family, friends, and myself. Once the pictures are edited then they can be shared so others can see. Even if it is just a simple fix like the common red eye problem.

The program can also be used in my intended career, not just my personal life. PhotoShop also allows you to create calendars and other helpful things like greeting cards. It would give your boss a chance to see your creativity, along with other coworkers.

For next class we need to complete our blog and tweet. We also need to complete a greeting card project. It will give us a chance to really put PhotoShop to use and see how much we know.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

ck OAD week 8 blog

In class I did not learn anything new about the technology. It was a catch up day for students to continue to work on their Access assignments.

I do not really have anything new to say about Access. I am getting better with it and playing around with it a little bit. I have finished my Access alternative assignment, which was to create a table, some queries, and a report. Everything with Access went well. The only time consuming part was gathering all the research to put into the database.

Career wise, it will be really helpful once all of the information is gathered and entered. Looking at all the data the way you want and organized a certain really way helps. I just always remember to make backups because you can not just "undo" everything when it comes to Access.

For next class, I need to have my blog and tweet done, my Access project all turned in, and have a start on our next projects. We are doing a team and individual project and need to start brainstorming some ideas.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ck OAD week 7 blog

Today in class we learned about Access in more depth. I am doing the alternative assignment and we ran into some complications. With this Access assignment I made a table, a report, and 3 queries. The class was shown a site where we can practice with Access and answer questions.

Access is being used a lot in my academic life. I am using it a lot for school and have two classes that talk about it. It is helping me become more familiar with the program because it was one of the hardest programs for me to learn. I am putting a bunch of information together using Access and organizing everything. I am making a lot of reports and queries especially.

Access can be used in my career because it helps keep information organized. You can also format the information to make it look nicer and more presentable, which some employers may like. If there is information in Word or Excel, you can also transfer that information into Access to organize it better.

For next class I need to have my alternative project close to being done. I have it finished but may want to go back and do some extra formatting. I also need to complete a tweet.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

OAD Week 6 Blog

In Wednesday's class we learned about Access. There are some students who have already had some experience with Access and others who have not. Since I am familiar with Access, I am doing an alternative assignment instead of following along in the book to learn about it.

Access can be used in both your personal life and in the workplace. It is a database that may seem complicated at first. It takes some time to get used to but people use databases in everyday life and do not even realize it, such as a cell phone. It is great for storing information and organizing data.

In your career, this would be a very helpful tool. You can use Access to create tables, reports, and charts. This would be helpful to a company to put information together. There are formulas in the program as well, so if anything needs calculated the program can do it for you. It is a time saver in many ways as well. However, it is important to back up your data occasionally because Access automatically saves your information and there is no undo button.

For next class I need to complete my blog, tweet, and research for my Access project. We will be continuing to learn about Access in next weeks class and I will continue to create my tables, reports, and queries for my alternative project.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

CK OAD Week 4 Blog

Today in class we really didn't learn anything new. We just expanded our knowledge in OneNote. I learned how to get files from word, excel, and powerpoint into my notebook. I also learned about tagging today and how to find certain things in such a large notebook.

OneNote can be used in both the workplace and in your personal life. It is a great organizational tool. I found the calendar, to-do list, and the scheduling to be the most useful. This way you always know what is going on and what the times are for specific events.

In your career this is a great tool to keep track of meetings. A person going into office administration needs to keep up on meetings. It is important to know the date as well and the calendar becomes very handy then!

For next class I need to complete the capstone activity. I also need to prepare for access because we start Microsoft Access in next weeks class. We will be doing group activities and need to e-mail the teacher our groups so we are prepared.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ck oad week 3 blog

The technology that was learned in class today was podcasting. We actually got to see the device that we record on and how it works. It looked somewhat simple to use so I hope I can get the hang of it quickly! I also learned about OneNote today, which I found to be a very interesting program.

The podcasting can be used in my life in regards to a position. If you post them out on the Internet, they may be spotted by potential employers. It is a great way to get yourself out there and speak about your skills and goals. OneNote can be used in both personal and academic life. It is a great organizer. It was a bit hard to grasp at first but I think I am getting the hang of it. I like the way it can organizer any type of event or even just your daily duties.

OneNote can be used in my intended career because everyone in an office needs to be organized! It has calendars that you can write events on, you can write to do lists, and schedule meetings and events. It is important to know what is going on in an office and this program is a great way to stay on top of things.

For the next time I go to class, I have to get many things done. I need to do my twitter assignment about OneNote. I also need to complete some hands-on activities in the OneNote book and kind of skim through the next chapter to be prepared for the next part. I also need to correct my written podcasts to make them longer.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

OAD Week 2 Blog

Today in class I learned about the scanner and digital camera. We also did a little bit more with social networking and I discovered Twitter. Since every digital camera is a little bit different, I had to adjust to the one used in class, which went very well. I then had to upload my picture onto all of my social networking sites. The last piece of technology was the scanner and I learned all the different ways to scan items.

The digital camera can be used mostly in my personal life. However, by uploading a professional picture on my social networking sites, it could attract an employer. The scanner will be very helpful with all my paperwork. It is very useful when you do not have an electric copy of a document and you can also edit imperfections.

Social networking will be important in my future job. Networking is a great way to get a job and it is very helpful to have a professional site to sell yourself. It is nice that I got to learn about the scanner in class because I always look forward to adding more skills to my resume. It is much easier when you know more of the technology that offices use today.

For next class, I need to tweet about social networks, podcasting, or OneNote. I chose to tweet about OneNote since I am not as familiar with it. I will also be reading in the OneNote book to understand it a little bit better before class. I also need to prepare my second podcast. The podcast will be between 3 and 5 minutes on either a vacation I took, my favorite hobby, or my favorite TV show.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

ck OAD 220 week 1 blog

In the class for week one we were introduced to all of the technology that we will be learning to use as the course progresses. There are so many different pieces of equipment we will be using and I can't wait to try it all out.

By learning the different technologies it will help me in the workplace and hopefully make my personal life easier as well. It will be useful to all of my classes in my OAD major. For my personal life it will be exciting to learn all of the photo equipment. That will especially help with creativity.

In my intended job, social networking will be extremely helpful. It is very important to network. The podcasts will hopefully be heard by an employer and then get me a position.

Before next class I need to work on all the social networking sites and get involved. I need to understand how to use the sites better. I also need to work on my podcast and file management. We will be learning so many new things so it is important to keep organized. I will also be updating my resume and cover letter so I can bring it ready to class next week.